keadaan tersebar bahasa Inggris
- keadaan: circumstance; circumstances; complexion;
- tersebar: blazed abroad; going the round of; gone the round
- tersebar: blazed abroad; going the round of; gone the round of; went the round of; fan out; pass around; permeate; spread; overrun; circularise; infest; broadcast; spread out; penetrate; imbue; overspread; go
- kategori tersebar: category diffuse
- piringan tersebar: scattered disc
- secara tersebar: sparsely
- spektrum tersebar: spread spectrum
- tersebar luas: noise about (abroad); widespread; widespreadly; get around; spread; pandemic; predominant; prevailing; overspread; dominant; rife; epidemic; disseminated; prevalent
- tersebar-luasnya: spreadth
- terjemahan bahasa tersebar: distributed language translation
- yang tersebar dimana-mana: dotted about
- keadaan: circumstance; circumstances; complexion; condition; fettle; position; situation; state; state of affairs; the course of; do; going; proposition; repair; shape; stand; mood; humour; attribute; united
- subkategori wikipedia yang tidak tersebar: wikipedia non-diffusing subcategories
- teknologi yang tersebar di dunia: worldwide technology
- pulau-pulau yang tersebar di samudra hindia: scattered islands in the indian ocean